File preview

Once you have uploaded your file via the "Upload area", the website displays a preview.

  • The preview is used to help you identifying the uploaded file
  • Consider that the display is an image extrapolated from your file that will allow you to recognise it & confirm the uploaded one

You may notice some differences between your file & the preview, so please note the following:

  • In case of a multi-page file you will only see the first page
  • The image is in RGB so if you have correctly created your file in CMYK, the colors displayed may vary.
  • If you have used spot colors and followed our instructions by activating overprinting, it is normal that the color preview changes
  • If the preview file is rotated, please check the layout selected in the quote. It is mandatory to follow the same layout as requested (vertical layout=vertical file): if you have mistaken the quote, ask our customer service to correct it; otherwhise you should rotate your file, and upload it again
    /!\ For front and back printing product, it's obligatory to follow the quote layout to avoid upside-down printing results! /!\
  • If you notice other variations, however, we recommend to check the file again and replace it after applying the necessary corrections
  • If the preview is not generated, it could be a display issue, no worries as the file will be received correctly

If you still have any doubts, please contact us. We'll be happy to help!

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