If you already placed the order and are facing any upload issue on the "Upload area" page, please make sure that:
- You are preferably using Google Chrome as a browser (even though our website works fine with most of the market browsers)
- You cleared the “cache and cookies”
- The file uploaded on the website does not exceed 1.5GB
- File format is .pdf, .jpeg or .tiff
- The artwork has the right dimensions
In case the issue persists, our customer care will take care of the upload: write us and send your file. We'll proceed with the upload if possibile:
- Send a request to support@pixartprinting.com
- For files (up to 50 MB) attached to the email/the form
- For files over 50 MB up to 1.5GB via WeTransfer
- Kindly mention the order number and rename the file with the relevant job number/name.
- Please note that uploading the file from our end would change the estimated delivery date
If you still have any doubts, please contact us. We'll be happy to help!