You can check the status of your order directly from your personal area in the " Your Orders" section. Below you can find examples and explanations of the possible status of the item.
The order has not been paid yet: the status is "Open". The order is not completed: find out on the job status if:
- Waiting for artwork/payment
- Waiting for payment
Order Status “Open” | Job Status |
The order has been paid: the status is "Confirmed". Find out on the job status if:
- Waiting for artwork
- Artwork validation (file check is ongoing)
- Printing is in progress.
Order Status “Confirmed” | Job Status |
- The order has been shipped: the status is "Completed". In this case all the items were shipped, and the shipping tracking is available on the job status.
Order Status “Completed” |
Job Status |
- Orders have been canceled: the status is "Cancelled". In this case all the items have been cancelled.
Order Status “Cancelled” |
Job Status |
If you still have any doubts, please contact us. We'll be happy to help !