Reset Password

If you have forgotten your password, follow these quick steps to create a new one:

  1. Click on the "Login" icon top right of the home page
  2. Click on the "Forgotten your password?" option
  3. Enter your email address (used when registered) & click on "Send"
  4. You will receive an email containing a link which will allow you to change the password
  5. Click on the link (active for 1h) and generate a new password

Please remember your password needs to include:

      • At least 1 lowercase letter
      • At least 1 uppercase letter
      • At least 1 digit
      • 8 characters minimum length
      • It can only include the following special characters - @ $ ! % * ? and &


  • The password recovery email may take 5 to 20 minutes to be received. In case you do not get it, remember to check all inboxes
  • Keep sure you are inserting the e-mail used when registering: it is not possible to send the password reset link to another e-mail address
  • In case you haven't received any e-mail, try clearing your browser cache, cookies, or use a different browser, then try again with the reset password
  • Never use a password already used on your Pixartprinting account

If you still have any doubts, please contact us. We'll be happy to help!

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